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Times of School Sessions (32.5 hours)


                                      8:45 a.m.         School day begins/Registration

                                    10.15 a.m.        Collective Worship 

                                    10:30 a.m.         Breaktime

                                    12:00 noon.       End of morning session


                                     1:00 p.m.         Registration

                                     2:00 p.m.         Afternoon break (KS1 only)

                                     3:10 p.m.         End of School Day (KS1)

                                     3:15 p.m.         End of School Day (KS2)

The School Day begins at 8:45 a.m. with children arriving no earlier than 8:35 a.m on to the school playground. Classroom doors will open at 8:40 a.m.

Children in Year R may enter their classroom at 8:35 a.m. for a settling in period, accompanied by their parents, in the first few weeks.

In the event of a problem with collecting, or dropping off, your child, would you please inform the Office of any delay as soon as possible.

Children are released from the classroom door to the parent or designated adult, by the class teacher.

Late Arrivals

The school day starts at 8.45 a.m. and children should be in the classroom for that time.The late arrival of children to school causes unnecessary disruption to the classes and creates difficulties with regard to registration and dinner numbers etc. Please note that children arriving late will be given a “late mark” and parents will be informed if the frequency of “late marks” is too high. Persistent lateness can also now result in the issuing of a Penalty Notice fine.

Any children arriving after the school gate is locked must report via the front entrance to the Administration staff in the School Office before going to their class.

Late arrivals for medical appointments are perfectly understandable. You should let the school know in advance if at all possible.