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Our Curriculum 

School Vision 

At Burghclere Primary school, we aim to provide a happy, inclusive and nurturing environment where everyone is learning, growing and succeeding together, so that they have the skills, knowledge and values to make a positive difference to their communities in an ever-changing world.

Curriculum Intent

All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts or talents, and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum which stretches all our children, developing their skills and knowledge in a carefully planned and progressive way. It builds on the foundations of the EYFS curriculum and enables pupils to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and prepare them for the next stage of their education and beyond. Staff monitor and track children's progress to ensure their academic potential is continuously developed and they achieve highly.

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum is all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning and personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, which are developed to meet the needs of our children and the aims of our curriculum, but also the range of extracurricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of the children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. Our school values of inquisitiveness, aspiration, supportiveness, creativity, resilience, independence, reflection and respect, are key drivers for ensuring children are ready to take their place in the world.


The EYFS curriculum meets the requirements of the EYFS statutory framework. There are seven curriculum goals identified by the school as areas for children to achieve to be ready for Year 1. There are termly topics which form the starting point for learning each term in the seven areas of learning and development. Learning outdoors is a key part of the curriculum and Monday afternoons are devoted to our Forest School approach. Learning to read using phonics is a priority and the school uses the Little Wandle phonics scheme to teach children to read. Books are everywhere and reading for pleasure and purpose happens daily. Drawing Club encourages children to apply their writing skills and develop their vocabulary and is based around core texts. The Mastering Number programme teaches children to become fluent in numbers and other learning activities teach other aspects of the maths curriculum. Discovery Time is a core part of the EYFS curriculum - children are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills through the learning environment. The curriculum is the foundation for the rest of the school curriculum, which builds upon the knowledge and skills children have learnt.

Key Stage 1

The curriculum is taught on a two-yearly cycle. It builds on the learning in EYFS and prepares children with the knowledge and skills they need for Key Stage 2 across all subject areas. Emphasis is placed on the development of early reading through the Little Wandle phonics scheme, as well as developing writing skills, taught through learning journeys around a text; and maths skills, which are taught following the Mastery Number programme and White Rose maths scheme, whilst ensuring children have experiences that are memorable and enjoyable through a broad range of subjects. Outdoor learning on Monday afternoons following a forest school approach is a highlight of the children's week and gives them opportunities to work with younger pupils and explore the natural world.

Key Stage 2

The curriculum is taught on a two-yearly cycle in Y3/4 and in Y5/6. It builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in Key Stage 1 and prepares them for the next stage of learning in secondary school. All subjects in the national curriculum are taught, offering a broad and balanced curriculum. Rich, memorable learning experiences including trips, visitors, workshops and practical hands-on activities are essential to bringing the curriculum to life and embedding the knowledge acquired into children's long-term memories.  The use of technology is a key part of the curriculum in Y5/6 with children using chromebooks as a core tool, and working on collaborative projects with children in schools across the world through the use of Google meets and apps - making them true global citizens!


Each area of the curriculum has a document detailing the progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary which will be taught. They also show the content, any schemes used and adapted, and additional learning and enrichment opportunities.

Each phase has a curriculum map showing the full coverage of the curriculum. Subjects are taught separately, but links are made where appropriate. Teachers use these documents as the basis for their planning, to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of each individual child.


The headteacher and deputy headteacher monitor and evaluate the planning, teaching and impact of the curriculum through regular monitoring activities which include learning walks, planning and work scrutinies, pupil conferencing and data outcomes.

Teachers work together to look at progression and outcomes through regular book looks in different subject areas across the school.

Our governing body monitors and evaluates the way the school curriculum is implemented through the use of the School Improvement Plan and the head teacher’s termly reports as well as meetings with subject leaders and /or teachers and children. End of year data outcomes in reading, writing and maths are also evaluated.

If you have any further questions about our curriculum, please talk to the headteacher, or visit our school to see it in action.